Thursday, February 10, 2011

Informal Velvet Quilt Piece

Who knows where I got this raggedy piece of velvet quilt.  I only remember that it was sort of grimey and I wondered if I could restore it to usefulness.  I took the risk of throwing it into the washer and the back shredded into threads, so I ripped that off, and along with it came the thin edge on one side.  When it was fresh and clean, I just stored it for years.  Today, its is unlikely to find this sort of cotton velvet which is heavy but not backed with an upholstery texture.  Most velvets have some synthetic content now.  I'd guess it is from 1970 or before-- back then the synthetics were not as likely to be blended and not as likely to be nylon.

See how the triangles were constructed?  Peach and gold were sewn together on one side, and then a line was sewn linking together two such squares.  That way, no one had to actually turn that sharp corner and try to line up the pieces.  For a long time, I was scared of triangles because of the problem of making points, until I discovered that.  (Now, I'm just scared of making triangles because I warp things when I sew on the bias. )

So I am guessing that originally, this had 6 triangle panels, and then it was bordered with various colored velvet scraps of odd lengths.  The common factor is that all the velvet scraps were cut at, ie about 6 inch widths.

Its just a nice old piece of a velvet quilt, waiting to some day be batted and backed as a shabby Anthropology-style throw.  Then perhaps, I'd eventually come along and embroider it lavishly as I sit beneath it on cold winter nights.

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