Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Old Home Place

Tibbits Old Home Place
For his father, Dennis painted this view of the old Tibbits home place.  You can see where it stood on the highway between Evansville and Van Buren in Arkansas, but the house fell into disrepair and eventually burned.  With a scad of siblings, Jim Tibbits still remembers stories about his childhood.  Recently at breakfast he told about one early spring day when the onions were coming up green and he and his brother went along and nipped the tops off of every onion, getting a fresh first taste of the garden's bounty before it was really ready.  His dad said, "I have never known rabbits to eat onions like that."  That was before they got their spankings.  In times when everyone was pretty much independent for growing the family's food and there was much less of a commercial backup plan for buying food, it must have been a serious offense to interrupt the garden.

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